Categoria: MacKenna – Plotinus
The matter seems to demand some discussion of Aphrodite, since in any case Eros is described as being either her son or in some association with her. Who then is Aphrodite, and in what sense is Love either her child or born with her or in some way both her child and her birth-fellow? To…
And yet to conceive the vast span of the Heavens – to be great in that degree – to devise the obliquity of the Zodiac and the circling path of all the celestial bodies beneath it, and this earth of ours – and all in such a way that reason can be given for the…
Of phenomena of this sphere some derive from the Kosmic Circuit and some not: we must take them singly and mark them off, assigning to each its origin. Enneads II,3,13 Yet another school fastens on the universal Circuit as embracing all things and producing all by its motion and by the positions and mutual aspect…
potentiality Can we distinguish between Actuality [an absolute, abstract Principle] and the state of being-in-act? And if there is such an Actuality, is this itself in Act, or are the two quite distinct so that this actually existent thing need not be, itself, an Act? It is indubitable that Potentiality exists in the Realm of…