Categoria: Enéada III, 2 (47)
Tractate 47 Third Ennead. Second tractate. On providence (1). 1. To make the existence and coherent structure of this Universe depend upon automatic activity and upon chance is against all good sense. Such a notion could be entertained only where there is neither intelligence nor even ordinary perception; and reason enough has been urged against…
Of Providence. EPICURUS TAUGHT CHANCE AND THE GNOSTICS AN EVIL CREATOR. 1. When Epicurus derives the existence and constitution of the universe from automatism and chance, he commits an absurdity, and stultifies himself. That is self-evident, though the matter have elsewhere been thoroughly demonstrated. But (if the world do not owe its origin to chance)…
Plotino – Tratado 47,13 (III, 2, 13) — A justiça do universo se manifesta através do ciclo das vidas