Of Suicide.
1. (As says pseudo-Zoroaster, in his Magic Oracles), “The soul should not be expelled from the body by violence, lest she go out (dragging along with her something foreign,” that is, corporeal). In this case, she will be burdened with this foreign element whithersoever she may emigrate. By “emigrating,” I mean passing into the Beyond. On the contrary, one should wait until the entire body naturally detaches itself from the soul; in (…)
Página inicial > Antiguidade > Neoplatonismo (245-529 dC) > Plotino (séc. III) > Enéada I > Enéada I, 9 (16)
Enéada I, 9 (16)
Guthrie-Plotinus: Ennead I,9
1º de fevereiro, por Cardoso de Castro -
MacKenna-Plotinus: Enneads I,9
1º de fevereiro, por Cardoso de CastroTractate 16 First Ennead. Ninth tractate. "The reasoned dismissal".
"You will not dismiss your Soul lest it go forth..." [taking something with it].
For wheresoever it go, it will be in some definite condition, and its going forth is to some new place. The Soul will wait for the body to be completely severed from it; then it makes no departure; it simply finds itself free.
But how does the body come to be separated?
The separation takes place when nothing of Soul remains bound up (…) -
Plotino - Tratado 16,1 (I, 9, 1) — Sobre o suicídio razoável
10 de janeiro de 2022, por Cardoso de CastroIgal
No te quitarás la vida, para que no salga el alma; porque saldrá llevándose algo a fin de salir efectivamente. Además, salir es trasladarse a otro lugar; el alma, empero, aguarda a que el cuerpo se separe, totalmente de ella, y entonces ella no necesita cambiar de lugar, sino que está totalmente fuera.
¿Y cómo se separa el cuerpo?
Cuando no haya nada del alma que quede ligado porque el cuerpo ya no es capaz de tenerla ligada consigo al dejar de existir la armazón corporal con cuya (…)