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Hércules / Héracles / Hercules / Herakles / Ἡρακλῆς


O Hino homérico a Héracles, 1-8, em apenas nove versos, nos traça o destino completo do herói incomparável:

É a Héracles, filho de Zeus, que vou cantar,
ele que é de longe o maior dentre os que habitam a terra.
Aquele a quem Alcmena, na Tebas de belos coros, deu à luz, após unir-se ao Crônida de sombrias nuvens.
Errou e sofreu, primeiro, sobre a terra e no mar imensos; em seguida triunfou, graças à sua bravura, e, sozinho, executou tarefas audaciosas e inimitáveis.
Agora, habita feliz a bela mansão do Olimpo nevoso e tem por esposa a Hebe de lindos tornozelos. [Junito Brandão]

The reference [in Plotino - Tratado 27,27 (IV, 3, 27) — A memória pertence à alma] is to Odyssey 11. 601ff., where the shade of Heracles in Hades is distinguished from Heracles himself, who is with the gods: cf. I, 1. 12. 31ff. The passage had been recognised since Aristarchus as a later interpolation, but Plotinus   was not aware of this (he was not a scholar), or ignored it. His philosophical explanation had earlier forerunners, the ultimate source of which may be in the Old Academy or post-Platonic Pythagoreanism. See Plutarch   De facie in orbe   lunae 944F-945A with the note of H. Cherniss ad loc. (Moralia, Loeb edition vol. 12); F. Cumont   Lux Perpetua (Paris 1949) 189-91: H. J. Blumenthal op. cit. 86; and the latest and most thorough examination by J. Pepin, “Heracles et son reflet dans le Neoplatonisme” in Le Neoplatonisme (Paris 1971) 167— 99. [ArmstrongE4:121]
Nous suivons ici Ficin   qui a été conduit par la liaison des idées à sous-entendre in caelis, en sorte qu’il faut placer Hercule dans quatre régions, dans l’enfer, sur la terre, dans le ciel et dans le monde intelligible. Creuzer approuve l’interprétation de Ficin. Taylor, au contraire, en a adopté une autre; il traduit : « And Hercules, indeed [when in Hades] may speak of his own fortitude; but in the intelligible world, he will consider these things as trifling, being transfered into a more sacred place. » [BouilletE2  :Nota; Plotino - Tratado 27,32 (IV, 3, 32) — Isto que se lembram as almas; a sua saída do corpo (2)