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Jowett: aletheia

quinta-feira 1º de fevereiro de 2024, por Cardoso de Castro


Her. Well, then, let me ask about the greatest and noblest, such as aletheia (truth) and pseudos (falsehood) and on (being), not forgetting to enquire why the word onoma (name), which is the theme of our discussion, has this name of onoma. CRATYLUS  

Soc. The word onoma seems to be a compressed sentence, signifying on ou zetema (being for which there is a search) ; as is still more obvious in onomaston (notable), which states in so many words that real existence is that for which there is a seeking (on ou masma) ; aletheia is also an agglomeration of theia ale (divine wandering), implying the divine motion of existence ; pseudos (falsehood) is the opposite of motion ; here is another ill name given by the legislator to stagnation and forced inaction, which he compares to sleep (eudein) ; but the original meaning of the word is disguised by the addition of ps ; on and ousia are ion   with an i broken off ; this agrees with the true principle, for being (on) is also moving (ion), and the same may be said of not being, which is likewise called not going (oukion or ouki on = ouk ion). CRATYLUS