Página inicial > Termos e noções > finitude


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


We are now asking about the determinations of the ἀγαθóν as such. We know that ἀγαθóν is τέλος. Therefore, what is presumably asked about is the character of being-an-end, of finitude (Endlichkeit), the τελειóτης, insofar as the ἀγαθóν is τέλειον, insofar as it constitutes being-completed. The ultimate question is: which way of being of human beings is it that suffices for the τέλειον ἀκρóτατον? Ἀγαθóν is not an objective thing buzzing around, but instead is a how of being-there itself. [Heidegger  , GA18:69]

LÉXICO:finitude e afins