Página inicial > Termos e noções > fábula


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


According to Olympiodorus   and Proclus  , Plato sometimes substitutes philosophical stories for the offensive myths of the poets, because his stories are inoffensive for the young. Nonetheless, properly understood, the myths can facilitate either moral virtue or, for a few, mystical experience. Simplicius   suggests that after his proofs (apodeixeis), Plato expounds myths, as Aristotle   appeals to traditional beliefs, in order to strengthen conviction (pistis) in what he has proved, in Cael. 370,1-16. For yet another Neoplatonist treatment of myths (fabulae), see Macrobius   Commentary on the Dream of Scipio Book 1, 2. [SorabjiPC3  :52]

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