Grassi: Rhetoric and Philosophy

The problem of rhetoric — as the speech that acts on the emotions — can be treated from two points of view. It can be considered simply as a doctrine of a type of speech that the traditional rhetors, politicians, and preachers need, i.e., only as an art, as a technique of persuading. In this case the problems of rhetoric will be limited to questions of practical directions for persuading people and will not have a theoretical character.

From another point of view, however, the problems of rhetoric can be seen as involving a relation to philosophy, to theoretical speech. We can formulate this in the following way: If philosophy aims at being a theoretical mode of thought and speech, can it have a rhetorical character and be expressed in rhetorical forms? The answer seems obvious. Theoretical thinking, as a rational process, excludes every rhetorical element because pathetic influences — the influences of feeling — disturb the clarity of rational thought.


Abellio, Raymond (29) Antiguidade (26) Aristotelismo (28) Barbuy, Heraldo (45) Berdyaev, N A (29) Bioética (65) Bréhier – Plotin (395) Coomaraswamy, Ananda (473) Enéada III, 2 (47) (22) Enéada IV, 3 (27) (33) Enéada IV, 4 (28) (47) Enéada VI, 1 (42) (32) Enéada VI, 2 (43) (24) Enéada VI, 3 (44) (29) Enéada VI, 7 (38) (43) Enéada VI, 8 (39) (25) Espinosa, Baruch (37) Evola, Julius (108) Faivre, Antoine (24) Fernandes, Sergio L de C (77) Ferreira da Silva, Vicente (21) Ferreira dos Santos, Mario (46) Festugière, André-Jean (41) Gordon, Pierre (23) Guthrie – Plotinus (349) Guénon, René (699) Jaspers, Karl (27) Jowett – Plato (501) Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye (29) Lavelle, Louis (24) MacKenna – Plotinus (423) Mito – Mistérios – Logos (137) Modernidade (140) Mundo como Vontade e como Representação I (49) Mundo como Vontade e como Representação II (21) Míguez – Plotino (63) Nietzsche, Friedrich (21) Noções Filosóficas (22) Ortega y Gasset, José (52) Plotino (séc. III) (22) Pré-socráticos (210) Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de (27) Schuon, Frithjof (358) Schérer, René (23) Sophia Perennis (125)