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Works: truth

quinta-feira 1º de fevereiro de 2024


Truth (efficacious): A truth is efficacious to the extent that we assimilate it; if it does not give us the strength we need, this merely proves we have not grasped it. It is not for the truth to be “dynamic,” it is for us to be dynamic thanks to the truth. What is lacking in today’s world is a penetrating and comprehensive knowledge of the nature of things; the fundamental truths are always accessible, but they could not be imposed on those who refuse to take them into consideration. [GTUFS: PlayMasks, No Initiative without Truth]

Truth (metaphysical): Metaphysical truth is in the first place discernment between the Real? and the unreal or the less real; and concentration or the operative act of the spirit – prayer in the very broadest sense – is in a way our response to the truth which offers itself to us; it is Revelation entering into our consciousness and becoming in some degree assimilated by our being. [GTUFS: UIslam, The Path]

Truth (universal): We have spoken of universal truths; by this term we mean principles which determine everything that exists. [GTUFS: HaveCenter, Fundamental Keys]

Truth / Intellection: Truth in the current sense of the word, that of a concordance between a state of fact and our consciousness, is indeed situated on the plane? of thought, or at least it applies a priori? to that plane. As for Intellection, its object is “reality” of which “truth” is the conceptual clothing. But in practice the terms “reality” and “truth” usually merge into one another. [GTUFS: LogicT, Truths and Errors Concerning Beauty]

Truth / Presence: The saving manifestation of the Absolute is either Truth or Presence, but it is not one or the other in an exclusive fashion, for as Truth It comprises Presence, and as Presence It comprises Truth. Such is the twofold nature of all theophanies; thus Christ is essentially a manifestation of Divine Presence, but he is thereby also Truth: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” No one enters into the saving proximity of the Absolute except through a manifestation of the Absolute, be it a priori Presence or Truth . . . [GTUFS: FormSR, Truth and Presence]

Truth / Reality: Truth and reality must not be confused: the latter relates to “being” and signifies the aseity of things, and the former relates to “knowing” – to the image of reality reflected in the mirror of the intellect? – and signifies the adequation of “being” and “knowing”; it is true that reality is often designated by the word “truth,” but this is a dialectical synthesis which aims at defining truth in relation to its virtuality of “being,” of “reality.” If truth is thus made to embrace ontological reality, aseity, the inexpressible, and so also the “personal” realization of the Divine, there is clearly no “total truth” on the plane of thought; but if by “truth” is understood thought insofar as it is an adequate reflection, on the intellectual plane, of “being,” there is a “total truth” on this plane, but on condition firstly that nothing quantitative is envisaged in this totality, and secondly that it is made clear that this totality can have a relative sense, according to the order of thought to which it belongs. There is a total truth which is such because it embraces, in principle, all possible truths: this is metaphysical doctrine, whether its enunciation be simple or complex, symbolical or dialectical; but there is also a truth which is total on the plane of spiritual realization, and in this case “truth” becomes synonymous with “reality.” [GTUFS: LSelf, Orthodoxy and Intellectuality]