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Works: theology

quinta-feira 1º de fevereiro de 2024


Theology is on the whole the philosophical commentary on Revelation; “inspired” commentary in the sense that, to the extent possible, it forestalls heresies properly so called, while taking into account psychological and moral? opportunity. [GTUFS: ChristIslam, Atomism and Creation]

Theology to be sure is far from disdaining the assistance of logic; it could never fall? into rationalism, purely and simply, however, since it is based on Revelation. It nevertheless finds itself in an analogous position in so far as its reasonings display limitations both from a subjective and an objective standpoint: subjectively, because the theologian relies on a certain logic only and not on Intellection; objectively, because the premises or data on which it is based are confined to fixed and exclusive conceptual forms, namely dogmas or their Scriptural roots. However, the intrinsically supernatural character of the dogmas and also a certain grace inherent in religion guarantee that theological reasoning when properly used is free from the arbitrariness of profane thought, and allow it always to remain to a certain degree a vehicle of truth or at least a means of reference thereto; the reasoning in question is nevertheless restrictive owing to its exclusiveness, and it can even be aberrant in regard to total truth. In any case theology, whether influenced by Aristotelian thought or not, takes a partially rationalistic form out of fear of gnosis?, a fear explained by the nonformal, supradogmatic and in principle universalist character of the latter. Hence the paradox of an intellectuality, or spirituality, that has an interest in limiting the definition of the intelligence, which it thinks can be reduced to a purely “natural?” level, in order that the quality of “supernaturalness,” may be reserved for the dogmas and the “mysteries,” whether real? or otherwise. [GTUFS: LogicT, Rationalism, Real and Apparent]

Theology is a type of thought which, being founded on the necessarily antinomic and elliptical – but by no means contradictory or insoluble – data of the sacred Scriptures, interprets these data by means of reason and in accordance with a piety often more fervent than enlightened. This results in theories which are doubtless opportune and efficacious in a given psychological or moral connection, but which are restrictive or even unsound from the point of view of pure and simple truth, and in any case unacceptable on the plane? of metaphysics. [GTUFS: ChristIslam, Dilemmas of Moslem Scholasticism]