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Works: magic

quinta-feira 1º de fevereiro de 2024


Magic (white / black): In “white magic,” which is normally that of the shamans, the forces called into play, as well as the purpose of the operation, are either beneficent or else simply neutral. In cases, however, where the spirits are maleficent and where the purpose is equally so, “black magic” or sorcery is involved; in such a case, nothing is done “in God’s name,” and the link with the higher powers is broken. [GTUFS: FSun, The Shamanism of the Red Indians]

Magic in itself is neither good nor bad, it is amoral. Magic performed in the name of the Great Spirit and with the help of good Spirits, and for good purposes, may be called “white magic”; the same art performed without appeal to the Great Spirit and with the help of bad spirits and for evil purposes, may be called “black magic” or sorcery. Sorcery has always been strongly forbidden everywhere, and it very often harms the sorcerer himself even in this life. [GTUFS: FSun, A Message on Indian Religion]