Categoria: Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Closely connected with the question of identity, though of a different kind, is another metaphysical question which, because of its “scientific” or pseudo-scientific form, has become the principal philosophic question of our time, the so-called mind-body problem. This involves the clash of two pictures, which seem equally vivid and real but cannot be fitted together:…
The “truth of solipsism” if it could be stated (and it cannot be) would have to be stated “from the outside of one’s own consciousness,” but nobody can get outside his or her immediate experience (i.e., his or her consciousness); it has no outside. So we are unable to say what we try to say…
The final heir of the metaphysical tradition, as Heidegger in particular emphasized in his writings on the present condition of technological domination, is what we can call our science, that is, the science which was [15] first developed in the Renaissance as the accepted fundamental understanding of the world (i.e., metaphysical truth) and which has…
Gramática pode ser chamada de “essência do mundo” no novo sentido de “essência”O fenômeno da linguagem visto no aspecto de possibilidades para significado e sensido., e a filosofia é a “guardiã da gramática” (PR – Philosophical Remarks 85). Isso significa que “a gramática é a sombra de possibilidade lançada pela linguagem sobre os fenômenos” (PG…
Vou iniciar agora. Meu tema, como sabem, é a Ética e adotarei a explicação que deste termo deu o professor Moore em seu livro Principia Ethica. Ele diz: “A Ética é a investigação geral sobre o que é bom.” Agora, vou usar a palavra Ética num sentido um pouco mais amplo, um sentido, na verdade,…