Filosofia – Pensadores e Obras

Categoria: Bioética

  • I have already touched on the great diversity among the writings attributed to Hippocrates and, at some time long after they were written, assembled [22] under the heading of ‘Hippocratic Corpus’. As has been recognised ever since antiquity, these ‘Hippocratic’ writings are not the work of one author; rather, they constitute a heterogeneous group of…

  • […] this work has long been read as the paradigm of Greek fifth-century rationalism. And it is certainly true that this author, in claiming that epilepsy ‘has a nature’, is doing something very similar to what the Presocratics did in inquiring into the ‘nature’ (phusis) of things, namely their origin, source of growth and identifying…

  • […] ‘nature, soul, health and disease’ indicates some of the more prominent areas in which such interaction between ‘philosophers’ and medical writers was most clearly visible. It is no coincidence that Aristotle’s comments on the overlap between ‘students of nature’ and ‘doctors’ are made in his own Parva naturalia, a series of works on a…

  • In his important contribution “Philosophy of Medicine: Problematic and Potential,” Edmund Pellegrino thoroughly discusses the possible relationships between medicine and philosophy. He categorizes these relations into three different types: Philosophy and medicine, philosophy in medicine, and philosophy of medicine. Philosophy and medicine comprises the mutual considerations by medicine and philosophy of problems common to both…

  • 1. Historicamente, a bioética encontra seu ponto de partida na ética médica, posto que é desta última que se destacou globalmente o estudo da decisão moral no campo da saúde. Com os médicos, os teólogos estavam estreitamente concernidos, uma vez que eram estes últimos que ensinavam a ética médica, pelo menos nos Estados Unidos, berço…