Categoria: Bioética
Cognitive science was founded on the idea that intelligent human behaviour is caused by internal psychological processes that work in much the same way as a digital computer. Digital computers are physical devices that construct interpretable and combinable elements or symbols, and carry out operations on those elements, such as copying, combining, creating, erasing, storing,…
En présentant aujourd’hui à nos lecteurs, comme douzième ouvrage de cette collection, une oeuvre d’un des plus importants parmi les philosophes russes de ce temps, La Connaissance et l’Être, de Simon Frank, c’est encore une traduction que nous leur demandons d’accueillir. Nul de nos amis ne s’étonnera que notre collection ait compté jusqu’ici beaucoup d’auteurs…
The concept of personal identity arose arguably within the European intellectual tradition. It has its etymological roots in the colloquial Greek term prosopon and its Latin equivalent persona, signifying “the mask worn in comedy or tragedy” or “the character an actor plays – dramatis personae.” (Chadwick 1981, 193). As early as the sixth century, Boethius…
De certa forma, a teoria da identidade pessoal emerge da tentativa de explicar e conceitualizar o sentido de continuidade característico da situação existencial do “eu” experiencial. Despertando para si mesmo, o “eu” experiencial, ou seja, o agente autoconsciente, vê-se atirado, como diria Martin Heidegger, para uma situação e um contexto particulares de historicidade. Para dar…
Tristram Engelhardt and Edmund Erde coauthored an entry on “Philosophy of Medicine” for the 1978 edition of the influential Encyclopedia of Bioethics and later published another substantial article on the subject (Engelhardt and Erde 1980). Similarly to Pellegrino, they also distinguish between different types of relationships between philosophy and medicine: Philosophical activity concerning medicine can…
(…) especially in the first half of the twentieth century, the interest taken by medical people in Greek and Roman medicine was often motivated, apart from antiquarian intellectual curiosity, by what we could call a positivist, or presentist, attitude. There often was an underlying tendency to look for those respects in which Greek medicine was,…
The notion of ‘rational’ medicine has long been taken for granted, as it was felt that it was undeniable that there was such a thing as Greek rational medicine, which was perceived to lie in the examples of Hippocratic rationalism and empiricism as referred to above — aspects in which Greek medicine was perceived to…
Heidegger’s two modes of thinking, calculative and meditative, were used as the thematic basis for this qualitative study of physicians from seven countries (Canada, China, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, & Thailand). Focus groups were conducted in each country with 69 physicians who cared for the elderly. Results suggest that physicians perceived ethical issues primarily through…
Llamo así (acto médico) a todo contacto técnico entre el médico y el paciente —sea diagnóstica o terapéutica su índole—, y pienso que su consistencia y su estructura pueden quedar inicialmente expresadas en los siguientes puntos: 1.° Genéricamente considerado, el acto médico es un encuentro entre dos hombres, determinado en su contenido, en su figura…
Antes de Alcmeón de Crotona e Hipócrates, la medicina en la antigua Grecia fue, como en el resto del planeta, una combinación de empirismo y magia helénicamente configurada. Empíricos más o menos hábiles fueron los cirujanos militares de la Híada y los terapeutas sedentarios o ambulantes —periodeutas y rizotomas— de la medicina prehipocrática; y en…
Citado por Stephen Toulmin ao final de seu livro, El puesto de la razón en la ética Según mi hipótesis, el papel de la razón consiste en tabular y comparar resultados. No determina directamente lo que es bueno, sino que trabaja, como todas las ciencias, sobre datos dados… tomando nota de los tipos de actividad…
Tout lecteur de Platon connaît l’habitude de Socrate, qui, voulant faire admettre une proposition générale, fait appel à des exemples pris dans les arts, les techniques de son temps. Ainsi, dans l’Hippias mineur, quand il veut montrer que l’erreur volontaire est préférable à l’erreur involontaire, Socrate invoque le cas de l’archer, du médecin et du…
Déjà au début du Protagoras 1, quand le jeune Hippocrate doit avouer qu’il ne sait pas ce qu’enseigne un sophiste, Socrate le gourmande en ces termes : Eh bien ! Comprends-tu maintenant à quel péril tu es sur le point d’exposer ton âme ? Avant de confier ton corps à quelqu’un, s’il devait en résulter…
(…) não é somente um saber, mesmo que inclua aspectos cognitivos; nem uma forma particular de expertise, mesmo que inclua experiência e intervenção; nem uma deontologia, mesmo incluindo aspectos normativos. Trata-se de uma prática racional muito específica que põe em movimento, ao mesmo tempo: um saber, uma experiência e uma competência normativa, em um contexto…
É necessário precisar o que chamamos tradição médico-filosófica, usando uma terminologia de Ph. Pinel (Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation mentale ou la manie). É a maneira pela qual propomos denominar a reflexão de médicos e filósofos antigos sobre a psicopatologia. Poderia se dizer, e veremos que é verdadeiro, que existe uma tradição médica e uma tradição…
La maladie de l’âme vient de ce que nous avons un corps. Cette formule est vraie de bien des façons. Cela va de cette tristitia, de ce taedium uitae, de cette mélancolie où médecins, poètes et philosophes, Hippocrate comme Lucrèce, comme Cicéron et Sénèque ont leur mot à dire, et qui repose sur l’évidence douloureuse…
All of us have heard it said, at some time or another, that every man is born with certain inalienable rights. Although the Declaration of Human Rights is substantially flouted in most countries of the world, the majority of governments still feel obliged to pay it at least lipservice. What rights have we in mind?…
THE PHILOSOPHICAL DISEASES OF MEDICINE AND THEIR CURE, 2004. Author: JOSEF SEIFERT, p. xxviii A Bioética hoje em dia encontra-se em uma desesperada necessidade de uma nova viagem, de um novo começo e de nova fundação de ética filosófica, que tanto redescubra as fundações perenes da ética e assente suas fundações mais profundamente do que…
Bioethics, while keenly aware of the ways in which health is shaped by climate and the environment, is focused today mainly on humans and the issues that emerge in conducting biomedical and clinical research, healthcare, and the policies that ought to govern medicine, nursing, allied health, and the related biomedical sciences (Caplan, 1992b, 1994, 1997,…
Although doctors, nurses, clinicians, lawyers, biologists, theologians, and other researchers make valuable contributions to it, bioethics is first and foremost a philosophical discipline concerned with “issues that emerge in conducting biomedical and clinical research, healthcare, and the policies that ought to govern medicine, nursing, allied health, and the related biomedical sciences,” as we noted in…