Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Temas > sympheron / συμφέρον / interesse / benéfico / συμφέροντα / conducive / (…)
sympheron / συμφέρον / interesse / benéfico / συμφέροντα / conducive / βλαβερὸν / danoso / pernicioso
On this basis, we will characterize the συμφέρον as well as the ἀγαθóν. The συμφέρον is the manner and mode in which the world, as mattering to human beings, is there for us. The connection with the ἀγαθóν, will come out of the matter itself. [Heidegger GA18:58]
Συμφέρον is “that which is conducive to . . . ,” toward the end. Something that is conducive is, in itself, a being that has a reference to something. This referring to something is not accidental to that which is conducive, but constitutes its very conduciveness. [ibid.]