Página inicial > Termos e noções > noção


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


Ad 1. notio: In the concept lies a definite “acquaintance” with the matter meant by it, that is, the concept is transposed within a being-acquainted. [HEIDEGGER  , GA18:19]

Ἔννοια [ennoia]. Concept or idea; literally, something in the mind (nous). (En, in; noia, thinking.) In Plato, the usual word for this is noema (see NOESIS, NOEMA, NOETON). Aristotle   uses both words. Ennoia becomes a technical term in Stoic philosophy, where “common concepts” or koinai ennoiai are an important criterion (kriterion) of truth, a fundamental part of the epistemological system. [HDAGP  ]
LÉXICO: noção; notio; prenoção