Página inicial > Termos e noções > política


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


Política, do grego politike, designa a atividade que organiza e gere uma cidade (polis), geralmente uma coletividade cujos membros forma um corpo, por entente tácita ou explícita, em um destino comum [Notions philosophiques  ].

gr. politeía = Estado, república  , constituição, corpo de leis e instituições de uma cidade. Se a etimologia remete ao latim status (de stare), o sentido da palavra remete ao grego polis (cidade) e ao latim civitas. Platão (República e Leis) e Aristóteles (Política) propõem-se estabelecer qual é o melhor governo da Polis. gr. polites = cidadão.
What has now been shown is that if we seek the ἀγαθóν of the being of the human being as a ζῷον πολιτικóν we must take up that knowing-the-way-around that is appropriate to the being of human beings as thus determined, the knowing-the-way-around that makes the being of human beings explicit as being-with-one-another in its τέλος—more precisely, the knowing-the-way-around that makes this being-with-one-another explicit as this concrete way of being in its πóλις. The τέχνη, the μέθοδος, that is related to beings as ζῷον πολιτικóν, is the πολιτική, this knowing-one’s-way-around in the being of human beings that is determined as being-with-one-another. Politics, as a determinate mode of knowing-one’s-way-around, of cultivating this knowing-the-way-around, is that by which we will come to know something about being-a-τέλος. If we aim at understanding the ἀνθρώπινον ἀγαθóν, that being-determination that the being of human beings constitutes in its genuine being-in-its-world, we must look to the being of human beings itself. We must keep the basic determination of the human being as ζῷον πολιτικóν in view, and look at the human being itself as it is concretely there in the πóλις, how it stands out in its being-with-one-another. [Heidegger  , GA18:68]
LÉXICO: política e derivados