Página inicial > Termos e noções > temperamento


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


gr. ἰδιοσυγκρασία, idiosynkrasia: idiosincrasia, temperamento, temperamentum, peculiaridade, idiosyncrasy, ἴδιος, idios, idion, peculiar, próprio

A major theme was the idea of a blend of hot, cold, fluid and dry ingredients in the body. Our word ‘temperament’ descends from the word for of a blend (temperamentum). The questions asked were whether the soul was identical with such a blend, and whether states of the soul ‘follow’ (hepesthai) the blend. On an opposing view, they neither follow from the blend, nor result (apotelesma) as something explained by the blend, but they may supervene (epiginesthai) on a blend. Plato’s Phaedo   makes Socrates   reject Simmias’ suggestion that the soul is merely an attunement (harmonia) of the body, like that of the strings of a lyre, or the blend (krasis) of hot, cold, fluid and dry in the body, on the grounds that the soul does not follow (hepesthai), but leads the body. Aristotle  ’s objection is similar at DA 1.4, 407b34-408a5. Plotinus   and Porphyry   say that the soul is like a harmonia, now in the sense of tune rather than attunement, that moves the strings of itself. This is similar to Xenocrates’ definition of soul as a self-moving number, as interpreted by Andronicus ap. Themistium in DA 32,19-31. It is a number because it is a harmonia, and self-moving as Plato said, which enables it to lead, not follow. [SorabjiPC1  ]
LÉXICO: temperamento