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quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


SPACE (Raum). According to Heidegger  , world is prior to space. Space becomes accessible only if the environment is deprived of its worldhood. Yet, space is also constitutive for the world. The spatiality of being-there is the condition of the possibility of space. Because being-there is being-in-the-world, it makes room for the being of entities. Every entity has its place within the whole of meaningfulness that constitutes the world. When entities have found their place, we can abstract from the spatial involvements that determine their place. Their places get reduced to a multiplicity of positions for random things. They are now in space and we can measure the distance between them. Things in space are only determined by their extension and their position within the whole of extension. In science, we abstract from extension to algebraic relations. These relations make room for the possibility of the purely mathematical construction of manifolds within an arbitrary number of dimensions. The space provided for in this manner is the one space of mathematical science within which everything is. [HDHP]

espaço; v. khôra