Página inicial > Termos e noções > Besorgen


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


The being of human beings is determined as concern [Besorgen]; every care [Sorge] as concern has a definite end, a τέλος. Insofar as the being of human beings is determined through πρᾶξις, every πρᾶξις has a τέλος; insofar as the τέλος of every πρᾶξις, as πέρας, is ἀγαθóν, ἀγαθóν is the genuine being-character of human beings. The ἀγαθóν is a determination of the being of human beings in the world. Therefore, through this analysis of the ἀγαθóν, we will acquire a new clarification of the being-there of human beings, specifically by referring this back to the πέρας, which is to say, to the genuine being-character itself. On the basis of these findings, we will investigate the ἀγαθóν more closely as a being-determination of human beings, a being-character of concern, and so of being-there itself. [Heidegger  , GA18:65]

We must always have our view concretely directed upon human beings. Other ways of living are seen along with it. λείπεται δὴ πρακτική τις τοῦ λóγον ἔχοντος.115 Yet “there remains,” for human being, still another mode of being-in-the-world, which is to be in it in such a way as to be able to be concerned about something, and “the concern of a being that speaks.” The ἴδιον ἔργον, the genuine mode of human beings, is πρᾶξις, determined as a mode of being-in-the-world precisely through speaking, μετὰ λóγου,116 κατὰ λóγον.117

On the basis of the preceding, we know that it is a matter of what constitutes the genuine being-possibility. However, concern can be at rest; a human being can even sleep away his existence. It depends upon the genuine manner of being-there, so that the ἔργον is there for the one who in concern is present in himself, so that the human being is in ἔργον, κατ’ ἐνέργειαν.118 The human being may be defined with respect to genuine living and rising up into concern. [Heidegger, GA18:99-100]

HEIDEGGER: Sorge / souci / cura / preocupação / care / cuidado / Besorgen / préoccupation / ocupação / taking care / concern / besorgbar / besorgt / besorgend / Fürsorge / sollicitude / se preocupa / preocupação-com / preocupação-com-o-outro / concern / Besorgtheitspräsenz / présence fondatrice