Página inicial > Termos e noções > disposição


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


We are witnessing how these two possibilities in which the world is encountered in its initial being-there are, as such, the modes in which living things are with one another, in which the κοινωνία is constituted. Thus our next task is to clarify that, in fact, what is meant by these determinations of the ἡδύ and the λυπηρóν are aspects of the encounter with the world that address themselves to being-in-the-world, to living, in such a way that what is there in the character of the ἡδύ and λυπηρóν, as such and in their actuality, is not at all explicitly grasped. The world, in the character of the ἡδύ and λυπηρóν, is nonobjective; animals do not have the world there as objects. The world is encountered in the mode of the uplifting and the upsetting; it is encountered in this character by virtue of the fact that living things speak these characters directly into beings that are there. [Heidegger  , GA18:48]

LÉXICO: disposição; estado
HEIDEGGER: Affekt / afeto / affect/ Affektion / Befindlichkeit / affection / disposibilité/ disposição / encontrar-se / sentimento-de-situação / attunement / disposedness / disposition / entender-de