Página inicial > Termos e noções > termo


quinta-feira 25 de janeiro de 2024


Such expressions, which have the character of emphasized expressions, are also designated as “terms.” And the meaning that expressly accrues to them within a scientific context of questioning is the “terminological” meaning of the expression. There are different possibilities regarding the coming to be of terms.

1. A determinate concrete context is discovered, seen anew for the first time—the word is missing, the word is coined together with the matter. An expression that was not at hand may immediately become a term, which later dissipates by entering into the general currency and ordinariness of speaking.

2. Second, education can proceed in such a way that the term is fixed to a word that is already at hand, and such that an aspect of meaning that was co-intended with the ordinary meaning, though not explicitly, now becomes thematic in the terminological meaning. [Heidegger  , GA18:23-24]

LÉXICO: termo; terminologia; terminismo